Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats

7 min readMay 27, 2021


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Strategy Guide

  1. Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats Pc
  2. Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats Ps2
  3. Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats Ps4

If you want Foley to calm himself faster in between shots with his sniper rifle, enable the ‘Cheat mode’ code. Select a short and easy mission (such as Safe Passage, Special Delivery, etc.). It does not matter which team you choose (U.S. Delta Force or British SAS). Do these missions repeatedly about three times. When you are on the Main Menu screen, use the D-Pad and buttons X and Y to enter the following: Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, Down, X, X, Y, Y. When you enter this, go to the options menu and the Cheat Menu should be available.

Cheat mode

At the main menu, press Left(2), Right(2), Up(2), Down(2), X(2), Y(2). There is no confirmation message. Start a game, then pause and enter the options screen. The ‘Cheats’ option will be unlocked at the options menu, with ‘Trooper Level’, ‘Enemy AI’, and ‘Mission List’ selections. Note: Do not set the ‘Trooper Level’ option to ‘Full’, as one bullet hit will take half of your life away. -From:

Sniper mode

When holding the sniper gun, press L.

Team commands

If you are playing one or two players, to command your team hold Z and press either Y or X. X will tell them to follow you and Y will tell them to fire at will.

Change soldier color

You can change the color of your soldier from white to black or black to white by blowing him up with a grenade and finishing the level. Note: He will lose experience — do this early.

Easy stats

If you want Foley to calm himself faster in between shots with his sniper rifle, enable the ‘Cheat mode’ code. Select a short and easy mission (such as Safe Passage, Special Delivery, etc.). It does not matter which team you choose (U.S. Delta Force or British SAS). Do these missions repeatedly about three times. Foley should get a level increase, be promoted a rank, get a Sniper skill star, and if your accuracy is high enough, a service medal. This trick only works if Foley gets over 65% accuracy on the missions.

Spreading out munitions

Do not give too much of the powerful items such as tank mines, C4, anti-tank guns, etc. to a single person. If you have this person advance and he gets taken down by a tank, your other teammates might not have the firepower needed to even get close to the downed person, let alone heal him. It is always a good idea to have each teammate equipped with at the least one high powered explosive in case you need to take something out.

Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats Pc

Weak spots on tanks

All tanks have very heavy front and side armor. However, the tank’s rear is lightly armored. Smaller tanks can be hit with a rocket almost anywhere and will usually explode. However, larger tanks must be attacked with an explosive from behind. If you shoot it from the front or side, chances are you will not even make a dent.

Last resort attack on tanks

If you need to take out a tank but have no more long range rockets, it is possible to get close to it without getting hit. First, you will need to have a sniper rifle to zoom in on the top of the tank to take out the gunner, if there is one. After he is down, throw a smoke bomb in the direction of the tank. Try to get the smoke bomb in as close to it as possible. While the smoke is in the air, you can run up to the tank without being hit. The smoke will make it impossible for the tank to see you. Get directly next to the tank and plant a C4 next to it. After it is planted, throw another smoke bomb slightly further away from the tank. Make a mad dash for the smoke. If you are fast enough, you will get behind the wall of smoke and can then make your way to safety. Then, detonate the C4. If you have C4 with a detonator, run to the tank, crouch, plant the C4, then quickly run away. When you get about 10 feet away, use the detonator to explode the C4.

Last resort attack on SCUDs

Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats Ps2

SCUDs can be blown up with the sniper rifle if they are in the launch position. Shoot the rocket a few times with it.

Charge the enemy

The game sends an infinite amount of troops after the alarm has been set. The best way to defend yourself is to charge ahead as fast, but also as safely, as possible. In some levels you can cut down the number of men by almost fifty. If you are low on ammunition, health, etc., this is a good way to cut down on the amount of men you have to deal with. It also works sometimes if you send a man far ahead and hold him there, then do your objectives for your mission.

Tank mines

On certain levels, tank mines can be truly annoying. Instead of getting your worst man to go out and run on the mines, throw a grenade on them and they should all explode.

AT mines

Use the following trick if you are tired of always stepping or driving over AT mines (Cavalry Charge is good for this). First, clear out the area of Iraqi infantry and armor. Set Foley and Conners up on a hilltop, either lying down or crouching, and have Jones and Bradley move in the area where the mines are placed. Have Bradley out of harms way, away from any explosives to cover Jones. If possible, have Jones move as far as possible into the minefield. Have him set a brick of C4, then run back out the way you came. Detonate the C4 and you will have an alley that your men and M2 tank can move through. If you are out of C4, frag grenades do the same thing, but do not have as much coverage as the C4.

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Destroying heavy armor tanks

Find the man with C4s and give his detonator to someone else. Keep everyone back except for the man who has the C4. Quickly run to the tank and plant the C4. When you are finished, get another troop to call him back. When he runs back, the tank should be focused on him. Change to the man with the detonator and use it. If this works, everyone should make it out alive. However, if he does not make it, you can clear the area then heal him. Also, you can trick the tanks by using any of your men except the demolitions man and create a diversion on the side of the tank opposite to your team. Get the man next to the tank so that he will not be harmed, then switch to the demolitions man. While the tank is looking at the other man, sneak up to it, plant a C4 explosive, and run away.

Destroying helicopters

When a Hind appears, it will hover above you and start shooting. Do not bother with the rockets; just use a sniper rifle and shoot its belly twice.

Destroying SCUDs

On levels such as SCUD Alley, if you have run out of rockets, C4 and grenades, due to unexpected tanks, etc., SCUDs can be destroyed with the Bradley’s grenade launcher or by machine gunning them.

Destroying tanks

Desert Storm Game Pc Cheats Ps4

When you see a tank (for example, the one directly in front of you at the start of Scud Alley), take two people, Foley and Jones. Have Foley shoot out the gunner. The turret should then rotate a full 360 degrees as if it were checking where the shot came from. At this point, switch to Jones and run straight at the tank. It is essential that you reach the tank as soon as possible. As soon as you reach it, lay down. Foley should snipe off the advancing soldiers. As you are behind the tank, they do not hit you and instead cause damage to the tank. Plant a C4 and detonate it. Just let Jones blow up with it. Jones will be dead on the floor behind a tank (in cover, which is useful). At this point, switch to Bradley and have everyone follow him. Rush forward using the tank for cover, shooting as you run then heal Jones. This trick can be used for just about any tank, even moving ones. Just run up behind them, fire a shot at the back of them and they will stop, allowing you to plant the explosive. To kill tanks easily, equip a mine and plant it directly in front of it. Note: You will die doing this; make sure you have another soldier ready to heal you.

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